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What is Cold Laser?

The word "laser" is an acronym for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation.  The theory was first described by Albert Einstein (1879-1955) paving the way for the development of the therapeutic laser.  The first low level therapeutic laser was developed in 1962. By the end of the 1960's, Andre Mester in Hungary was reporting an improved healing of wounds through low level laser radiation.  It is also known as Cold Laser or Low Intensity Laser.  Since then, therapists and doctors around the world have been using low level laser light to treat a variety of painful and inflamed conditions of the soft tissues and joints such as carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, back pain and sports injuries.


How does Low Level Laser Therapy work?

The therapy uses a special kind of laser light that enters the body to produce pain relief and quick healing. It is often called ‘cold laser’ because no significant heat is produced either on the skin's surface or deeper inside the body. The low level laser produces a beam of light that has a specific wavelength and frequency. When applied around the target area the electromagnetic energy from the laser penetrates the tissue where it interacts with various intercellular bio-molecules setting in motion a chain of chemical reactions within each cell to help restore normal cell function and stimulate the body’s natural healing process.   This chemical reaction in the cell allows several things to occur:


        Stimulates Healing and Repair of Tissue                                           Increases Tissue Strength

        Reduces Pain                                                                                        Reduces Swelling/Inflammation

        Promotes faster wound healing                                                         Stimulates nerve function

        Promotes Cellular Oxygenation/Detoxification


It is a painless, sterile, non-invasive, drug free treatment which is used to treat a variety of pain syndromes, injuries, wounds, fractures, neurological conditions and pathologies.  It is particularly useful when conventional therapies have been ineffective, or when rapid acceleration of healing from injuries is needed, in the case of professional sportsmen for example.


Is Low Level Laser Therapy safe and are there any side effects?

Laser therapy has been successfully used around the world for many years.  Most laser therapy systems have been cleared by the BMA and FDA for the treatment of numerous conditions and have successfully been used in the treatment of chronic and acute pain, wounds, sports injuries, and more.  In fact, thousands of published studies have shown that when used correctly, low level lasers are a safe, nontoxic and non-invasive therapy, free from negative side effects. It is safe for any age, for pregnant women, for patients with pacemakers or other medical interventions.


Are the results permanent?

The good news is for most patients who have completed a course of LLLT treatment, the results have been sustainable. While some patients get immediate results, others may require several treatments before there is a lasting effect. For most conditions, no more than 4 treatments will be necessary. The expected results and treatment schedule will be discussed with you during your initial consultation.

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